
I have it, it is in my hand, it is cold, very cold, ice cold in fact
I reach into the top drawer, pass up the urge to grab the green scissors
I snatch up the black pair instead
The green ones are dull and are only used to trim veggies
I need the sharp green ones to get a nice clean cut
I carefully snip one end off the plastic casing, making sure to leave a smidgen of ice in the cut end
Carefully I bring the little piece to my mouth and bite it out brrr….
The cold hits my tongue first
The jolt of coldness runs through my head and body
I gnaw at the plastic, my teeth pressing and crunching up the ice
My tongue presses the ice to the roof of my mouth warming and melting it
A flood of sweetness, followed quickly by flavour – mmm strawberry bursts out!
My fingers push from the bottom of the plastic casing sliding the red block of ice up and out the top
I snatch another small bite and crunch it up again oh, oh, brain freeze!
Too fast, too eager, my lips are numb and so very cold
I shift the plastic casing from hand to hand, my fingertips are all ice cold
I can no longer feel my thumbs which have to hold it constantly
Cold and refreshing, sweet and wonderful
I take my time and eat it slowly I want to savour every bite
Eating a Freezie is an unbelievably delicious thing to enjoy.