“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a
single moment before starting to improve the world.”

 – Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl


I have always been a writer and by writer, I mean by way of keeping a diary, journaling, poetry and short stories.

I have been writing all my life, I write everyday. It is my most favorite thing to do. My writing is very simple, deep at times, but still simple. I like that about myself, I am not that complicated.

As a teenager I fared well in creative writing class, always enjoyed the assignments, pushing myself to use new words and interesting content that I still endeavor to do today. I also have a funny side which pops up from time to time.

For my inspiration, I mostly draw on my experiences and the way that I feel about things. I also write stories around bits and pieces that I put together from things I hear around me. My topics are vast, and I am always up for a challenge.
l hope that people like what I write and maybe relate to the topics on some level.

This is my debut, I am very excited although find it a little intimidating to put myself “out there”. After today, I will no longer be a closet writer.
I truly love to write, and I hope you will enjoy my content here in its many forms.

Most sincerely,
RM Faber


Go here to read my stories.


Go here to read my poems


See my recipes here

Why I like to cook

Because it’s so fun.

Gardening with a bigger purpose

Eliminate foods one by one.

“I have always been a writer and by writer, I mean by way of keeping a diary, journaling, poetry and short stories.”



Writing classes in New Brunswick